Program Competencies

Accreditation [A]
An in-depth study of accreditation as a regional peer-review process that looks at the entire campus/district, and provides an opportunity for continuous self-improvement, grounded with data-driven evidence. 

Board/CEO Relationship [BC]
Address roles, goals, and expectations; how to develop and maintain a strong Board/CEO relationship to ensure the Board/CEO partnership functions effectively.

Board Evaluation [BE]
Examine the role of the board and its limits; how to run effective meetings; the board self-evaluation and its evaluation of the CEO.

Brown Act Training [BA]
This module covers the Open and Public Meetings law (Government Code 54950-54961) that provides the primary set of statutes governing community legislative bodies of local agencies. Learn how to set agendas, provide for public comment, run board meetings, and when to hold closed sessions.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility [DEIA]
This module covers topics on how to increase diversity through access, hiring and retention, dealing with implicit bias, how to utilize disaggregated data, and advocacy at the State and national levels.

Ethics Training [E]
AB1234 requires certain public officials to undergo ethics training every two years. Boards have adopted the position to comply with AB1234 as good practice. The Western Association’s Accrediting Commission for Junior and Community Colleges requires boards of trustees to have a code of ethics including a process to handle violations (Accreditation Standard IV.C.11). Learn how to perform in both ethical and legal ways as you govern.

Fiscal Responsibilities [FR]
This module will cover the skills and knowledge needed to make fiscal policy decisions and set guidelines for fiscal and asset management practices that support college goals and student success. You will learn about state and local revenue sources, fiscal accountability to the state, local fiscal operations, and how to advocate for state funding.

Governance [G]
This module covers the governing board’s policy-making function and its role in the participatory governance process. Learn how to identify policy issues, set a process for developing sound policies and keep them current; understand the condition and constraints defined in AB 1725 (participatory governance) and the board’s relationship with internal constituencies.

Student Success [SS]
Explore topics from the Student Success Act of 2012, Senate Bill 1456 including utilizing student services in individual education planning, monitoring student progress, and improving completion and transfer rates.
