Urgent Action Alert RE: AB 1699 (McCarty)

Urgent Action Alert

RE: AB 1699 (McCarty)/ As Amended September 7, 2023

Status: Awaiting Senate Floor Vote/Would Then Head to Assembly for Concurrence Vote


The Community College League of California is requesting your urgent advocacy in opposition to AB 1699, authored by Assembly Member Kevin McCarty, upending the hiring process of classified employees in K-12 and community colleges. 

Legislature Approves Placeholder Budget While Negotiations Continue on Final Package

On June 15, the Legislature approved SB 101 (Skinner) by lopsided partisan majorities in the Assembly and Senate to serve as a placeholder while negotiations take place between the leadership and Administration on the final 2023-24 budget act. More procedural than substantive, passage of SB 101 allowed legislators to continue collecting their salaries past the June 15 legal deadline as details on the actual budget are being worked out.

Update: Progress Toward a Final Budget

Final discussions are underway for the 2023-24 Budget Act, with the expected result to be approved between the middle to end of June. Following more recent precedence, the Legislature has abandoned the formal Joint Budget Conference Committee in favor of behind-the-scenes negotiations with the Big Three, Governor Newsom, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins. 

Two California Propositions Will Advance Community Colleges

By now many Californians have likely received, filled out and either mailed or dropped off their 2020 election ballot to an official ballot drop box or voting location. It is critical that we all vote in this upcoming election, not only for the United States President, but for state and local ballot measures. This November, Californians will determine the fate of 12 state propositions, two of which could have a substantial impact on California Community Colleges: propositions 15 and 16.

Advancing the Community College Baccalaureate Degree

On November 1st, I participated in an Informational Hearing of the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee on the status and implementation of Senator Marty Block’s 2014 legislation establishing the community college baccalaureate degree pilot program. The hearing took place at San Diego City College’s Corporate Education Center and was hosted by Chancellor Constance Carroll and the San Diego Community College District.


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