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Co-Sponsor the Food for Thought Act

The Community College League of California and the Affordability, Food & Housing Access Taskforce are joining Congressman Adam Schiff in co-sponsoring the Food for Thought Act, a bill to establish a meal program to address food insecurity on community college campuses across the country.
Students who are distracted by hunger often struggle to concentrate and succeed in college. Hungry college students may be forced to delay their education to make ends meet – setting them up for a cycle of poverty that can be increasingly difficult to break. A national effort is necessary to eliminate hunger as a barrier to student success and degree attainment.

The Food for Thought Act would create a demonstration program for community colleges to provide meals to food insecure students. Specifically, the bill would authorize the federal USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to make grants available for community college campuses to establish a free meal program for eligible students, conduct campus outreach, prepare and/or purchase meals from vendors, and provide information to participating students on eligibility for federal food assistance programs. 

If your college or district is interested in co-sponsoring this bill, sign up below.
