Thursday, June 20, 2024
With Gratitude to Immediate-Past President Andra Hoffman

Andra Hoffman, Trustee of Los Angeles CCD, completed her one-year term as California Community Colleges Trustee (CCCT) President in May. During her tenure, her role included leadership for the 22-member board, convening meetings, and representing the more than 440 elected trustees that serve community college districts throughout the state.

In the past year, Hoffman attended many trustee and community college activities, including the CCC Women's Caucus International Women's Day celebration at Los Angeles Mission College, the ACCT Summit in Las Vegas last October, and League's annual events, including the Annual Convention, Effective Trusteeship Workshop, Annual Legislative Conference, and the Annual Trustees Conference. Less visible were the countless meetings and one-on-one interactions with League staff, who commend her dedication and appreciate her friendship.

"Andra is student-centered in every approach and decision, and I have greatly enjoyed working with her this year," said Larry Galizio, Community College League of California President & CEO. "Certainly, her focus is attributed to her career at a community college and her service as a trustee in a large and diverse district, but it also speaks volumes of her as a person who cares about others and wants to help them find rich life fulfillment."

Hoffman has served as a Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees member since 2015 and works at Glendale Community College, overseeing the Career and Transfer Centers. League colleagues, among others, know her for her steadfast support of the California Community Colleges mission and her commitment to action.

"Andra has been a critically important part of the Government Relations efforts on advocacy and cares deeply about how legislative matters affect community college students, particularly in making sure that college is affordable and accessible," said Andrew Martinez, the League's Senior Director of Government Relations. "Her boots-on-the-ground perspective from Glendale College and her tenure as a board member for Los Angeles CCD gave her savvy as a statewide voice for trustees' advocacy."

At the May Annual Trustees Conference, the League and CCCT board members celebrated Hoffman's leadership with a commemorative plaque and a brief presentation. During her remarks, incoming CCCT President Nan Gomez-Heitzeberg thanked her for her service, highlighting her passion and personality, which came to light as Hoffman took the stage.  

"When she was at the podium as we recognized her for her service [as CCCT President], she asked ChatGPT who Andra Hoffman was," recounted Agnes Lupa, Senior Administrative Assistant. "We all laughed as the results told her she was a fictional character!"

Hoffman recounted how her year as CCCT President provided opportunities to meet fellow trustees and travel to represent California's community colleges.

"We were in Washington, D.C., for media visits around the ACCT National Legislative Session," said Lori Bachand, the League's Senior Director of Communications. "We met with reporters from several national higher education media outlets. Andra captured their attention with her knowledge of how essential it is that colleges provide support for students' basic needs. They hit a passion point when they asked!"

For Hoffman, her dedication comes with an authentic—and often witty—personal approach.

"When I started with the League in 2021, Andra welcomed me with open arms," said Nune Garipian, Senior Policy Analyst. "She always went out of her way to check in with me, introduce me to her peers, and make sure I felt seen and supported by the women within the CCC system. She was (and remains to be) invested in uplifting and supporting women leaders, which is evident through her work with the Women's Caucus."

Lisa Mealoy, the League's Chief Operating Officer, admires Hoffman's all-around commitment to others. "She has a wicked sense of humor wrapped in consistent kindness, will wake up in the middle of the night and return home well into the evening to be present for the League, colleges, and her students," she said.

Hoffman's travels during the year had her serving in her dual roles representing Los Angeles CCD and the League.

"During one of my first work trips, I made the rookie mistake of wearing heels to a conference held on a community college campus," Garipian recalls. "Although Andra complimented my heels, she also gave me some advice…heels are reserved for hotel conferences, and sneakers are for college campuses! My heels were ruined from walking around campus all day, and my feet were relieved to have the eventual break. I've never looked back since."
