Fri, May 13, 2016
Legislative Updates
News Room

Governor Brown’s just-released  2016-17 May Revision represents a cautious and pragmatic budget proposal that maintains earlier commitments to education while exercising restraint in light of a slow-growth economy and an uncertain revenue future.

Wed, May 25, 2016
Legislative Updates
News Room

The Senate and Assembly subcommittees on education finance have completed their hearings and took action reflecting their response to the Governor’s May Revision.  Both houses recognized, along with Governor Brown, the significant role California Community Colleges have as the state's workforce e

Thu, Jun 16, 2016
Legislative Updates
News Room

Yesterday, the Legislature approved a 2016-17 California State Budget of $122.5 billion.  While the Budget Conference Committee concluded its negotiations and approved a state spending plan on June 9, the full Legislature approved the final budget on the afternoon of June 15.  We are grateful tha

Tue, Jan 10, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room

Today, Governor Brown released his 2017-18 state budget proposal – a budget urging focus and restraint.  In recognition of the potential to enhance advising, curricular alignment, and meaningful and timely assessment the Governor dedicates substantial resources to Guided Pathways.

Thu, Jan 19, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room

The 2017-18 budget again departs from the statutory Proposition 98 split of 10.93 percent and proposes a split of 10.87 percent for California Community Colleges.  If approved, community colleges - which currently have the lowest per-student rate in California, will received about $44 million few

Tue, Feb 28, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room

The Budget Trailer Bill Language is the implementing language of the California State Budget Bill.

Tue, May 9, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room

On May 2nd, the League hosted a Legislative Webinar to provide an update on Governor Brown's 2017-18 Budget Proposal and pending legislation. To download the webinar, click here.

Thu, May 11, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room
Mon, May 22, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room


Tue, May 23, 2017
Legislative Updates
News Room

Summary of Senate and Assembly budget subcommittee actionsThe next step in the budget process will be the announcement of the Senate and Assembly members selected to serve on the Budget Conference Commi

