Monday, September 21, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – This November, the Community College League of California (League) celebrates its 30th anniversary during the 2020 Annual Convention, now offered as a fully online virtual event November 17-20. For 30 years, the League has proudly served California Community Colleges through advocacy, leadership development, and district services. This year, the League is pleased to present the 2020 Annual Convention as a free event open to all California Community College employees, students, stakeholders, and partner organizations.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA  – The Community College League of California is proud to announce two California Community College (CCC) champions have been awarded Regional Awards by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) for outstanding leadership in their roles. ACCT's Regional Awards recognize the tremendous contributions made by community colleges and their leaders to meet the needs of their communities. This year, ACCT awarded 22 community college movers and shakers from across the nation. 
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA - The Community College League of California is proud to announce its endorsement of Proposition 15, a ballot measure heading to the November 2020 ballot that seeks to raise needed revenue to invest in schools and vital services for communities across the state. Proposition 15, also known as the Schools & Communities First Initiative, will be a key component to the state’s recovery and reinvestment, delivering nearly $500 million each year to California’s community colleges.
Friday, June 26, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – In response to the 2020-21 legislative budget deal, Community College League of California (League) President & CEO Larry Galizio released the following statement.
Friday, June 19, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – As many California Community Colleges celebrate Juneteenth, the Community College League of California (League) is pleased to announce on Friday, June 5th, by a unanimous vote, the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board and the Chief Executive Officers of California Community Colleges (CEOCCC) Board approved a joint resolution affirming their commitment to student success for Black and African American students. 
Thursday, June 18, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration cannot immediately proceed with its plan to end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), an Obama-era program designed to protect nearly 700,000 young immigrants, known as Dreamers, from deportation while providing the ability to seek employment.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, California Governor Gavin Newsom released the May Revise to the 2020-21 State Budget. Community College League of California President & CEO, Dr. Larry Galizio, released the following statement in response to the budget announcement:
Thursday, May 7, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – In response to news of the $53.4 billion shortfall in the 2020-21 State Budget, Community College League of California President & CEO, Dr. Larry Galizio, released the following statement.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – Every year the Community College League of California (League) recognizes the enduring dedication and service of California's community college trustees with the Fulfilling the Trust Award. The award honors trustees who have served twenty years on a community college district board and acknowledges their service again every ten years thereafter. This year we honor eleven trustees who have achieved two or more decades of service, including Trustee Edward Ortell, who has served 50 years at Citrus Community College District and is currently the longest-serving trustee on at a California Community College.
Monday, May 4, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA – On Monday, May 4, California Community College Trustees convened for the first-ever virtual Annual Business Meeting hosted by the Community College League of California. The annual meeting included the election of the 2020-21 California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board officers.

