I am a CEO

Chancellors, superintendent/presidents, and college presidents confront many challenges as the Chief Executive Officers at their district or college. To assist them in their role, the League provides leadership development and professional learning opportunities for both sitting California Community College CEOs as well as those aspiring to serve in the top administrative role.

Aspiring CEO Program

Are you interested in becoming California Community College CEO?  The League has developed a program to identify and prepare future CEOs.

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CEO Strategic Leadership Program

Being a college president, district superintendent or chancellor involves countless rewards and challenges. The League has developed a program to support California CEOs.

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Events and Webinars

The League hosts annual events and webinars that are specific to the development of CEOs.  As you browse our upcoming events, please note the following annual events are tailored and open to CEOs ONLY:

  • CEO Symposium - February/March
  • CEO Leadership Academy - July

For a list of our upcoming professional development events, visit our website regularly. 

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Trustee and CEO Webinars

League webinars feature campus leaders and best practices from across the system.

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