Thu, Nov 15, 2018
Press Releases Statements
League Events

California’s Community College Leaders Convene at the League’s 2018 Annual Convention Focusing on the Future of Higher Education

Tue, Nov 6, 2018
Press Releases Statements

California Trustees Elected, Re-elected and Appointed to ACCT Leadership Positions

Wed, Sep 26, 2018
Press Releases Statements

Funding Voter-Approved Facility Projects Identified as a Key Priority for California Community College Leaders

Tue, Sep 25, 2018
Press Releases Statements

California Community Colleges to Support Undocumented Student Population with Week of Action

Mon, Aug 27, 2018
Press Releases Statements

Interactive CEO Tenure Dashboard Shows Some Narrowing
of Gender Leadership Gap

Wed, Jun 27, 2018
Press Releases Statements

Community College League of California Welcomes New CEO Board President Marvin Martinez and Honors Chancellor Brian King for His Leadership

Fri, May 11, 2018
Legislative Updates
California Budget

This morning, Governor Brown released the final May Revision of his tenure.

Mon, May 7, 2018
Press Releases Statements

California’s Community College Trustees Convene for 2018 Annual Trustees Conference Focused on Board Governance and Student Success

Trustees Elect New Officers at Annual Business Meeting
Mon, Jan 29, 2018
Press Releases Statements

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon Addresses Community College
Leaders at the Community College League of California’s 2018 Annual Legislative Conference

